As a sucker for Halloween costumes, I consented to Fortnite Costumes this year. I don't like Fortnite, but it has a million Halloween costume alternatives. Quinn chose Dark Voyager after Elliot's Tomato Head.
Elliot had already picked a Fortnite costume that wasn’t super easy. Thankfully the Dark Voyager costume turned out to be much easier than the Tomato Head Fortnite costume. Thankfully, there wasn’t vinyl or paper lanterns involved in the Dark Voyager costume.
The bulk of the Dark Voyager Fortnite costume is a black jumpsuit and duct tape for the details. Because I like to DIY costumes on a budget, the hardest part for me was finding a black jumpsuit and a motorcycle helmet second hand.
A long-sleeve jumpsuit of some sort also works. I ended up finding one of those costume onesies at a thrift store that I was able to repurpose. It was a solid black cat costume, so I just cut off the hoodie and tail.
How to make a Dark Voyager Costume
Fortnite Dark Voyager Costume
I cut the bottom section of an old black t-shirt off and attached it to the inside of the helmet with velcro. This helped cover Quinn’s neck and create the illusion of the space helmet look that Dark Voyager wears.