Video game outfits offer a vast selection of characters. We've done Fortnite costumes before, so this time we chose Minecraft. Making Minecraft costumes was easy.

we ended up with a Star Wars Jedi (technically also in video games) and 3 of our favorite characters from Minecraft for Halloween.

Minecraft Halloween Costume Ideas

Our Minecraft costume theme was inspired by the Minecraft Steve costume head I bought on clearance when our local party store went out of business. I bought quite a few random costume pieces super cheap that I thought we’d use in the future.

DIY Minecraft Costume

Minecraft Steve was the perfect easy costume for Peter when we chose a video game costume theme.

Peter’s costume was the easiest to create because we had the store-bought Steve cardboard box head. He already had jeans he could wear but I did have to buy him a teal t-shirt.

DC League of Super Pets Activity Book

A long sleeve black shirt and black pants were the base of the Enderman Minecraft costume. We then made the Enderman head and a Minecraft block for him to carry. I think black gloves would have been a good addition as well, we just didn’t think of it before Halloween.

DC League of Super Pets Activity Book

DIY Enderman Head

We DIY-ed the Enderman head using a cardboard box, black spray paint and a few craft supplies. It was a really easy project overall, finding the right sized box was the hardest part.

DC League of Super Pets Activity Book

Enderman are known for picking up and carrying blocks in Minecraft, so I wanted to make a block to use as the Enderman costume accessory.

Click below for detailed instructions

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