Video game outfits offer a vast selection of characters. We've done Fortnite costumes before, so this time we chose Minecraft. Making Minecraft costumes was easy.
we ended up with a Star Wars Jedi (technically also in video games) and 3 of our favorite characters from Minecraft for Halloween.
Our Minecraft costume theme was inspired by the Minecraft Steve costume head I bought on clearance when our local party store went out of business. I bought quite a few random costume pieces super cheap that I thought we’d use in the future.
Minecraft Steve was the perfect easy costume for Peter when we chose a video game costume theme.
Peter’s costume was the easiest to create because we had the store-bought Steve cardboard box head. He already had jeans he could wear but I did have to buy him a teal t-shirt.
A long sleeve black shirt and black pants were the base of the Enderman Minecraft costume. We then made the Enderman head and a Minecraft block for him to carry. I think black gloves would have been a good addition as well, we just didn’t think of it before Halloween.
DIY Enderman Head