Just in time for the opening of Ralph Breaks the Internet in theaters tomorrow, I am sharing fun things I learned about the OhMyDisney.com scene and a comfy princess shirt design. So you can make your own DIY Belle shirt from Ralph Breaks the Internet!
As a part of the Christopher Robin press trip, we spent a day learning all about the sequel to Wreck-it Ralph. My favorite presentation was learning about the princess scene from some of the people who were essential to creating it.
Pamela Ribon co-wrote Ralph Breaks the Internet and had the crazy idea of Vanellope meeting the Disney Princesses. Ami Thompson was an art director and oversaw the design of hundreds of characters, including the Disney Princesses. Kira Lehtomaki was co-head of animation, animating the princesses to they fit together in the same world and stay true to their original movie was a challenge.

Vanellope Meets the Disney Princesses
The creators of Ralph Breaks the Internet wanted to have a META scene, where Disney talks about Disney. That’s essentially where the idea for Oh My Disney Dot Com fit into the movie.
Pam wanted to know why Vanellope isn’t a canon Disney Princess and thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if she did meet the Disney Princesses.

The resulting scene is hilarious as you consider how messed up you must be in order to be a Disney Princess. Vanellope didn’t really fit any of the categories until she admits she doesn’t have a mother and everyone thinks all her problems were solved when ‘a big strong man shows up’
Once the Disney princesses accept her as one of their own, they are keen to get comfy just like her. Initially, the idea was for the princesses to wear PJs like at a sleepover but it was decided that was too relaxed. Instead, they all switched in comfy loungewear like Vanellope: tees, leggings, hoodies, tennis shoes, etc.

Everyone on the crew brainstormed find outfit ideas for the princesses. They wanted each princess to have their own modern lounge style but also keep the designs relevant to who each character. In the end, only one design could be made for each princess even though there were many great ideas. One that didn’t make the cut was Rapunzel’s shirt that said ‘Long Hair, Don’t Care.’
Animating Disney Princesses in Ralph Breaks the Internet
Designing the princesses to all fit together in the same world was a challenge. Some are drawn cartoony, others realistic. Some princesses were originally 2D and had to be converted. The Ralph team relied on some special people to help them get it right.
They spent time at Disneyland, speaking to the actual princesses themselves. Learning what makes each princess special, how they move and what they would do in certain situations. Legendary animator, Mark Henn who originally animated many of the princesses worked with them throughout the process. Helping ensure the princesses stayed true to their original selves.

And one of the coolest things about the Princess scene is that every original actor (that could) came back to voice their princess. Pam Ribon who did the scratch tracks during development remained the voice of Snow White in the movie. The Ralph crew relied on these actors for more ideas about how their princesses would act or react in different situations.
DIY Disney Belle Shirt
Every comfy princess shirt is fun and unique to her character. I knew I wanted to make at least one DIY comfy princess shirt. In the end, I went with the Belle BFF, Beast Friends Forever shirt. It pairs perfectly with Elliot’s DIY Beast costume shirt, and I us wearing them to the parks together.
Comfy Princess Shirt Design
I didn’t have a yellow shirt on hand, so I opted to make my shirt using gold vinyl on a brown t-shirt. To be more authentic, I’d recommend using brown vinyl on a yellow tank if you want to match Belle in Ralph Breaks the Internet.
I made my Beast Friends Forever shirt with Cricut Design Space. Unfortunately, because I uploaded a Beast graphic, I can’t just share the project with you. Instead, you need to download the graphic and upload it yourself into Design Space or another vinyl cutting program.
Download my Beast Friend Forever graphic here. You can use the file to make your own DIY Belle shirt using your Cricut machine and iron-on vinyl or maybe try the freezer paper paint method.
Looking for different comfy princess shirt designs? My friends have you covered! Head over to See Vanessa Craft for the Princess Anna shirt and Play Party Plan for the Moana, Snow White, Elsa and Sleeping Beauty’s shirts.
Ralph Breaks the Internet opens in theaters tomorrow!! I can’t wait to see the full movie with my kids this weekend!
Disney invited me to attend the #RalphBreakstheInternetEvent press day at Disney Animation Studios. The opinions expressed here are my own.
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