My Avengers Press Trip to Los Angeles last week included a screening of the new Disneynature film Monkey Kingdom. Afterwards we headed to the LA Zoo to visit the monkeys and their primate cousins. Naturally I brought Maya, the heroine of Monkey Kingdom with me. 🙂
We saw quite a few animals during our tour including hippos, elephants and their new tiger CJ. However we were there to celebrate Monkey Kingdom so we really focused on monkeys and their relations. While not actually in the monkey family, the crowd favorite was definitely the Siamang with their “singing” call that can be heard throughout the zoo once they get started.
We also visited the François’s Langur , Moustached Guenon, Black Howler Monkey, Kikuyu Colobus Monkey and Chimpanzees.
This was my first visit to the LA Zoo and it was much larger than I expected, over 133 acres! We had a private tour with trams arranged for our group so the size wasn’t a problem for us. I would definitely recommend bringing a stroller for little kids or paying for the Safari Shuttle on a regular visit.
See MONKEY KINGDOM opening week (April 17-23) and Disneynature will make a donation in your honor to Conservation International to help protect monkeys and other endangered species in their natural habitats. Learn more at
P.S. When EVERYONE in your group brings an adorable stuffed monkey with you to the zoo, you will get noticed.
Drew Bennett says
Fun video of the Siamang. I must have missed the part that they were not monkeys. Great Apes? Lesser apes? I should have paid more attention.
Karen says
I am thinking lesser apes but not really sure, I just remember them saying that monkeys had tails and apes didn’t. That’s one of the biggest things I remembered from the tour, most of the rest was a blur. 🙂
Ashley S says
Such a fun day!!! Love the LA Zoo 🙂