Yes, our house is in full Fortnite mode right now. It sort of drives me crazy which I can let happen or I can embrace it and create some fun DIY Fortnite projects like these DIY Fortnite llama snowflakes!

I created a printable pattern, so you can easily and create your own Fortnite llama snowflakes. It just takes a few materials/tools and you will be ready to decorate with Fortnite llamas in no time!

Fortnite Llama Snowflake Materials
- Printer & paper
- Scissors
- String
- Hole punch
- Fortnite llama snowflake template
If your kiddo really digs the Fortnite Llama then check out this sweet ornament you can buy them!

How to make DIY Fortnite Llama Snowflakes
Grab scissors, a hole punch, printer paper, some string and you are ready to get going.

- Start by printing out the Fortnite Llama snowflake pattern and then cut out the circle.
- Fold along the straight lines, creating an accordion fold with the llama design facing out.
- Once you have the paper folded into one wedge, cut out the white space on the design. Adults you may need to do this part for little ones.
- Then unfold the snowflake and add an eye to each llama head using the hole punch.
- Add a ribbon and hang your snowflake!

If you need a little help with the process, I recommend watching the video above. The folding can get a little tricky if you haven’t ever made snowflakes from a pattern before.
And don’t forget to DOWNLOAD the Fortnite Llama Snowflake Template HERE
More Geeky Christmas Crafts To Make
- Make a String of Star Wars Christmas Lights Made of Lightsabers
- Easy Santa Chewbacca Cookie Recipe
- Make Baymax Snowflakes
- Make Baby Yoda Snowflakes
- Make DIY Fortnite Ornaments
This post was originally published December 7, 2018.
Montana says
Awesome fortnite is one of my favorite games, many thanks for this post. Cheers