Looking for the easiest Avenger cupcakes ever? These Hulk cupcakes are just what you need for your favorite Marvel fan.
I made these cupcakes for Elliot’s 5th birthday. We were in full superhero mania over here and when I asked him who his favorite Avenger super hero was, he said Hulk. So I whipped up these easy Hulk cupcakes using cake mix, frosting, sprinkles and easy DIY cupcake toppers.

Avengers Cupcakes
Of course Elliot hadn’t discovered DC yet nor started his current obsession with the Flash. We were a 100% Marvel family. So much so, that he had a hard time picking his favorite Avengers superhero. It was a surprise when he actually changed his mind at the last minute. He declared Captain America his favorite Avenger and Incredible Hulk his 2nd favorite.
Sorry crazy child who changed his mind too late, I stuck with the Hulk birthday party theme. It turned out super cute and Elliot declared the Hulk his favorite Avenger again. And to be fair you could easily adjust these cupcakes to fit most superhero characters like Iron Man or Thor. Or even do a variation of the idea for an Avengers cake like I did.
Hulk Cupcake Ingredients
These cupcakes turned out pretty cute and the best part is that they didn’t require crazy baking skills, lots of supplies or a huge budget! You can easily order what you need from Amazon. And the most important ting? Elliot loved them!
- Cupcakes
- Purple or green cupcake liners
- Green frosting
- Purple sprinkles or candies
- Cupcake toppers (check out my DIY ones below)
- Paper Punch *optional

Hulk Cupcakes Tutorial
My original plan was green cupcake liners and purple chocolate frosting. Unfortunately you can’t really make purple frosting with regular red and blue food dye. It created a sort of pinkish beige color. After doing a little research, I found out that buying concentrated gel icing colors are the better way to go especially if you want purple frosting! This Wilton set includes violet.

I had to change my plan on the fly and decided to switch to green frosting instead. If I had planned on green frosting from the start, I would have bought purple cupcake liners instead.

After frosting each cupcake, top each one with either purple sprinkles or purple candy and add a Hulk cupcake topper. You can find some pretty cute and elaborate cupcake toppers on Etsy but I wanted this to be an easy and inexpensive version that I could DIY. There are definitely more elaborate Avengers cupcake ideas on Pinterest but I like keep things simple over here.

DIY Hulk Cupcake Toppers
I attempted to find simple Hulk stickers locally but that was a bust. Luckily Ebay came through for me, I found a set of 48 round Hulk labels for a couple bucks. I had plenty left over to create my Hulk themed goody bags too.
To make the cupcake toppers, I cut circles slightly larger than my stickers out of purple construction paper. I used a paper punch but scissors would work too. I think card stock would work better but I tend to use what I have on hand. Place the Hulk sticker on the purple construction paper circle, and then tape the tooth pick to the back of each cupcake topper.

sara @ cleverpinkpirate.com says
These are very cute! I mean cool 😉
Karen says
LOL Thanks 🙂