I can’t decide who my favorite Avenger is, it’s a tight race between Captain America and Thor. When our interview schedule for the Avengers press trip was announced, I couldn’t believe that I’d be interviewing both at the same time. I’m sure both Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth would be fun to interview on their own but they were hilarious together during our interview. Their banter back and forth really showed that they are good friends. I can only imagine all the fun they had on set while filming the Avengers: Age of Ultron. They had us laughing our way through the interview. Read on to see what I’m talking about!
Chris #1 and Chris #2:

As soon as they walked into the room, they were arguing over who was “Chris #1” and who was “Chris #2.” Clearly it’s an ongoing joke with them. They kept the joke going throughout the interview with each one reminding us who they thought “Chris #1.”
How Hannibal Lector Came Up:
Chris Evans was asked if he thought playing Captain America made him more wholesome. If the role had changed him as a person.
Chris E: “If that’s even possible. I mean, I’m already a Goddamn boy scout. 🙂 Sure. I mean, there’s no denying. Any actor will tell you if you have to live in any headspace for an extended period of time it’s going to, you’re going to take some of it home with you….You hope to see more of yourself, you hope to see more of Steve Rogers in who you are on a day-to-day basis. So yeah, absolutely”
Then Chris Hemsworth jumps in..
Chris H: “Unless you’re playing Hannibal Lecter. You want to eat a person.”
Chris E: “Sometimes you get hungry for people..
“Did either of you…”
Chris E: “Did either of you ever eat a person?”
Chris H: “Just this once. Tastes like chicken.” 😉

The Superheroes With Great Calves:
They were asked which superhero they’d play if not Captain America and Thor
Chris H. claimed the role of Superman. Chris E said definitely a Ninja Turtle because they have great calves. I’m pretty sure Captain America and Thor have great calves too. 😉

Chris E. also chatted about what other avenger he’d like to play.
Chris E: “To be honest, I’d love to play like an Ironman. You know, Steve Rogers is such an internal guy and I just want to make some jokes. Can I just make some jokes? I don’t get any jokes and you know, Ironman is this fun, free, loose guy. And it was a lot like that when I was doing the Fantastic Four movie. It’s fun to play someone who wears their emotions on their sleeve. And Steve’s not exactly that way. So any other superhero who gets to be a little more sassy I would take. Yeah, Cap’s not sassy.”
Chris H: “So, black widow?”
Chris : “Yeah. I’d look good in that black outfit”. 🙂
The best place for God-speak 😉
Chris Hemsworth was asked if he after playing Thor, did he ever accidentally slip in to God-speak.
Chris H: “Just when things need to get done. No. Just when the lights go off, yeah. Honey.”
Chris E: “Best answer ever. There’s no answer that is going to be better than that one ever. I was going to make a horrible joke about like putting the cap back on the toothpaste. That is so much better. Oh man, I’m not Thor. There it is. That’s the best answer of the day.”
Chris H: “Honey, let’s bring the thunder. Too far? Too far?”
Of course that exchange had EVERYONE in the room dying! I didn’t expect either actor to be boring but I was surprised how funny both actors were throughout the interview. I figured after our interview, I’d easily be able to pick a favorite but nope. They both are awesome and hilarious!
I thought my boys would have an opinion and so I asked them which Avenger they thought was funniest. Ironically they both chose the Hulk and unfortunately our interview with Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson didn’t work out during our press junket.
Which Avengers do you think is funniest?
Avengers: Age of Ultron
The movie summary sounds very serious but I promise it’ll have you laughing too. The movie is both action packed and funny which is the best combination in my opinion.
Avengers: Age of Ultron opens in theaters on May 1st! Check back as I share more interviews and my movie review over the next few weeks.
Disney hosted me in LA while I attended the #AvengersEvent press trip which included movie screenings and interviews. As always, all opinions and experiences are my own.
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