Three simple and free Frozen valentines designs to print from home including a fun Olaf valentines card.
I designed these printable Frozen cards when the original movie came out. These cards picked up steam last year after Frozen 2 was released in theaters. If you have a Frozen fan at home and want something a little different, check out my simple Frozen valentines designs.
A lot of the free printable valentines I share are more boy-friendly, you know Star Wars, cowboys, frogs, superheroes, etc. So I sort of love this set since it’s a little different. And everyone loves Olaf, right?
Printable Olaf Valentines
Disney’s Frozen is all about love and friendship making it perfect for Valentine’s Day. I had a couple of ideas floating around my head using lines from the movie, so I turned them into printable Frozen Valentines for the super Frozen fans out there!
Some Friends Are Worth Melting For Valentines
Of course we aren’t actually snowman who can melt like Olaf but I always love his line from Frozen, ‘Some people are worth melting for.’ For this design, I switched it up from ‘people’ to ‘friends’ since you typically exchange valentines with your friends. It’s simple and sweet.
Do you Want To Be My Valentine? Idea
I can’t help by singing ” Do you want to be my valentine?”… Another fun play on a line from the original Frozen movie. I love the fun Anna Elsa duet where they sing the Do you want to build a snowman song.
Printable Frozen Valentines
Do you know any Frozen fans that might want to print these valentines? I have them saved four to a page, simply click the links below and download the frozen valetines files.
Frozen 2 Valentines
Did you see Frozen 2 last year? I had the pleasure of disneybounding as Anna on the red carpet which was so much fun. If you are looking for Frozen 2 valentines, then you can check out these fun options I found on Etsy.
What fun line from Frozen or Frozen 2 do you think would inspire another Valentine’s Day card design?
More Printable Valentines
Click below to see all my Valentine’s Day ideas including more free printable valentines.
This post was originally published January 20, 2014
Erin Kaven says
I have tried everything to download the Some Friends are worth melting for valentine, even installing against my better judgment the iLivid thing that pops up with your valentine. It just says failed each time. Is there any other way to get this?
Karen says
Sure – i will email the file to you 🙂