Check out the fun and easy Thanksgiving crat we made: Pilgrim Mickey and Minnie Mouse masks.
Quinn had a blast making a Mickey mask for him and daddy and a Minnie one for me. And of course Elliot loved scribbling on his own. My boys are big into masks and pretend right now, especially since we just finished up Halloween. These fun pilgrim masks are a quick thanksgiving craft perfect for a school night or even on Thanksgiving day if you have kids to keep entertained before dinner!
Mickey and Minnie Pilgrim Mask Directions
Click each image below to print the masks! I printed ours on card stock to make the masks sturdier. However, I am sure regular paper would work too.
The boys then went to town, coloring them. Depending upon your risk level and their skill level you could let the kiddos cut out each face. Then tape a stick on to the back of each one. I used unsharpened pencils but popsicle or craft sticks would work great too!
Quinn colored his masks very traditional but I think these would be fun with funky colors or even using fun festive stickers.
If your kids make one for everyone at your Thanksgiving diner you could get a big “Disney Pilgrim” family picture! I would love to see it you do!
What are your favorite Thanksgiving Crafts to do with your kids?
I created the masks by modifying these fun crafts from Spoonful: Mickey Mouse Thanksgiving Pilgrim Candy Box and Minnie Mouse Pilgrim Candy Box.
This post was originally published on Disney in the Desert.
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